
Introducing Public Notice

Find out below how to purchase your copy of our brand new 'public placemakers' magazine

Issue One

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We set out to create a publication dedicated to celebrating good practice through a unique ‘public placemakers’ magazine accessible to the wider built environment sector. Through this publication, we have gone behind the scenes to uncover stories, shine a light on the processes and details, and explain the critical role public sector work plays in shaping our everyday places for the better.

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Public Notice

We have called our magazine Public Notice. A public notice, or a community notice board, is designed to be informative and helpful. A community notice board sits at the heart of a community; it’s often linked to the town hall or the local council. It has the potential to bring a community together by offering a physical point for connection and should provide useful, practical information.


What's inside

Our first issue is particularly focused on projects by placemaking teams tackling equality, sustainability, health and wellbeing, and good design. We explore themes such as how built environment practitioners can work together to deliver healthy and safe communities, especially in the context of COVID-19, and the increased funding pressures on adult and social care in local government.

We sought teams across England who are working on these critical issues to better understand their day-to-day challenges and experiences. We wanted to find the people in the public sector who are often not celebrated or recognised and spotlight them, their processes and achievements.

As part of our value of openness, we invited public sector teams to submit unique projects they were proud of and worked with each to develop an essay that gives insight into their work.

We would like to thank Soapbox for designing our first publication and our many contributors for taking the time to contribute their expertise and skills to our content.

With thanks to:

  • Angela Barnicle, Chief Officer of Asset Management and Regeneration at Leeds City Council
  • Alison Dowsett, Manager Director of Planning Policy at Berkeley
  • Harriet Fisher, Learning and Development Manager at Public Practice
  • Krish Nathaniel, journalist and MArch Hons Spatial Practitioner 
  • Matt Brown, ARB, Development Manager and Architect at Bristol City Council.  
  • Matt Wong, Plan-Making Manager at Tower Hamlets Council 
  • Carla Smyth, Esther Everett and Peter Maxwell from London Legacy Development Corporation’s Design team
  • Lee Arnell from Leeds City Council’s Asset Management & Regeneration team
  • Betty Owoo and Amandeep Singh Kalra from Be First’s, Design team
  • Phil Hylton, Local Plans Manager at the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan team
  • Ronan Leyden, Director of Consultancy at Bioregional
  • John Brady, Sport & Physical Activity Relationship Manager, Trafford Council
  • Ali Ulhaq, Business Analyst, Trafford Council
  • Councillor Cath Hynes, Trafford Council’s Executive Member for Leisure, Arts, Culture and Heritage
  • Glancy Nicholls Architects


  • Benoît Grogan-Avignon
  • Dion Barrett
  • Solomon Charles-Kelly

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