So you are a built environment professional with private sector experience looking to secure a job in the public sector? Great, you have come to the right place!
This guide will help you with some general information on how to find a job and what to expect from the application process. It's worth noting that each Authority may have a slightly different approach to recruiting staff, so this guide is meant to provide general guidance rather than specific advice.
Public vs Private Sector
Applying for a role in the Public Sector will typically be a more structured and formal process than roles you may have applied for in the private sector. Public sector recruitment processes tend to involve standardised application forms and specific eligibility criteria. For example:
- You may not be required to submit your portfolios or work samples until a later stage, if at all.
- There can also be more flexibility in qualifications; for example, to work in the public sector, being a qualified architect is not required (part 3 status and on the ARB register). However, most public sector organisations do ask for a relevant degree or equivalent experience in this field, which could be anything from a bachelor's degree (part 1 status) and above.
- There is a focus on equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion in the hiring process, so your network or referrals will have less significance than in the private sector.
- You may find that many public sector organisations anonymise applications and ask you to remove names or identifying information that could lead to bias in the hiring process.

Finding a Job
Look on the local authorities' websites near you or spread your search further if you are willing to commute or relocate. Remember that many Authorities have flexible working schedules, so a longer commute for 1-3 days a week may be more manageable for you.
Either use a search engine to type the local authorities name and “job”, or you can often quickly find the jobs section by scrolling down to the Authority homepage footer and finding a link for ”jobs” or “careers”. This will take you to all the open vacancies in the Authority.
Scroll through or use the filter function to find roles you’re interested in and match your skills and experience level. There can often be many jobs listed here, so use the filter function and have a read of the job descriptions, even if they don't immediately sound like a match to you. For example, after reading the job details, you may find that a Principal Planning role is well suited to an architect or engineer. Depending on the council, the careers/job section may also contain useful articles, including what to expect from the application process, staff benefits, and information about the team.
A good thing about public sector job advertisements is that there is often greater transparency around salary and benefits, so you know what is on offer upfront.
However, there can be less space to negotiate on salary, so we do not recommend applying to a role where the salary band sits below your minimum salary expectations.
If you are specifically looking for senior roles (£60k+) you can also sign-up to our Jobs Board Alerts and regularly check our own curated Jobs Board on this website too.
Review the Job Description
Review the role carefully and read the job description to understand its responsibilities and requirements. Coming from the private sector, you may have more experience in some of the required background or skills areas and less or none in others. You may not match all the skills requirements listed, but you have other skills you can bring to the role. The local authority may have provided contact details in the job description, feel free to contact the hiring manager with any questions you may have.
Many public sector roles include a 'Person Specification' document or 'Competency Framework' for the role, and keep these in mind when making your application. These are what you will be assessed against throughout the recruitment process. Some examples of competencies you may see are:
- Teamwork and Collaboration
- Project Management
- Strategic Decision-Making
Submit an Application
The application process and length will differ depending on the organisation, type of role and seniority. We always suggest submitting a couple of days before the deadline, as the process may be longer than you initially think, and you want to allow yourself enough time to tailor your answers appropriately.
Applications to the public sector tend to be made via an application form, and you are often required to set up an account first, before accessing the form. Common information collected on an application form includes:
- Personal details such as ethnicity, disability, religion, and sexual orientation (there should always be an option to select “prefer not to say” to these questions)
- Supporting Statement addressing how you believe your qualifications, skills, knowledge, and experience match the job description
- Previous employment and education history - which can often require input into the form directly or by uploading a CV.
- Application Questions - looking to assess your skills, competencies and knowledge, these will be marked and used to determine which applicants are shortlisted.
- Professional Reference contact details
Initial Screening and Shortlisting
The HR team or hiring manager will review the submitted applications and ensure they meet the basic requirements. If you don't meet these requirements, you may be screened out at this point. For example, the Right to Work in the UK or if the role requires a specific qualification, only applicants with this qualification will progress.
After the initial screening, applications will be scored and shortlisted based on their answers to the application form. Those successfully shortlisted will be informed and invited to the next stage of the recruitment process, which may be an in-person or online interview or an assessment that evaluates your knowledge, skills, and competencies to determine whether you are a suitable candidate.
Key Takeaways
Applications often use standardised forms and specific eligibility criteria
Do your research
Don't be afraid to contact the hiring contact for more information
Tailor your answers and CVs to the job description